Monday, December 12, 2011

They don't call it "The Sassy" for nothin' ;)

Two things that were not taught in our birthing class:

1. Figuring out solid foods for your child may be a difficult process. ;)
2. You will need to find different ways to entertain your child as they grow!!

So I received an email from the addressing the new solid foods I am allowed to feed Blakely. I love these emails because they always include a food item I had no idea I could give Blakes and she ends up loving it! Well, the new food of the week...TOAST! I still have not figured out the exact size of bites I should give her because they either are too big or too small. So of course I thought, well if I give her a bigger piece that she can't fit in her mouth, she will just chew on it...similar to a toy.  HAHA! Ross and I experienced our first scare with chocking! Although it was an extremely scary incident (I shed a tear or two, which probably does not surprise anyone), Blakely seemed to be fine and continued eating her new found love of toast. :)

"Thanks Mom for the bigger piece of toast."

"I'm pretty sure I can fit this entire piece in my mouth!" (ps. Thanks again, Griffin, for my cute Christmas pj's!)

Oh my goodnight, Blakely is quite the mover and groover, which I absolutely love. :)  The other night, in an attempt to entertain her, Ross found the apparatus, The Sassy, we received from our wonderful friends, the Shislers. :) As shown in the pictures, I just don't think our house has high enough peaks for the Sassy, but we sure had fun watching our little Sassy playing in "The Sassy". :)

"I'm too low to the ground since my feet touch, but I'm having fun!"
It's really noticeable in this pic that Blakely seems to be a little heavy on her left side, since Ross had to help her balance. ;)

Well, there are not too many times we get the chance to just hang out and do nothing around the Reth house,  so when I found these two enjoying a little R & R time I couldn't resist taking a pic. (Also, notice the resemblance ;) )  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and much love to all! :)

Blakely looks at the camera...

Rossy looks at the camera...


  1. love the cute. she is growing up SO fast

  2. The first choking incident is always super scary. As it continues to happen you get better and better, but it still freaks me out slightly every time. She is such a cutie!
