Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New House!!

Thanks to all of our family, Sarah and Ward we moved all of our stuff from storage to our new house Friday night! We are definitely blessed! Saturday we didn't do much unpacking due to sleeping in and going to a friend's wedding open house in Winterset, but Sunday we hit unpacking hard! Every box is unpacked inside the house...this weekend the plan is to unpack all of the stuff in the garage. :)

With class three times a week, I feel as though I get very little time to do anything but hang with Miss B, which I love, but I think that means getting the house organized and decorated may take longer than we expected. I have to be honest, I'm really, REALLY looking forward to July 2nd when all of my classes are done! 

Although there are times I feel extremely overwhelmed God has provided so many blessings and fun times that help me realize how much control He has and how I need to stop and enjoy these moments! :)

Enjoyin my first meal in the new house!

Frama and Aunt Kel being with all of the babies :)

first night in my new room!

playin with cousin Sage before bed :)

Ward and Sar hangin out after all their hard work!!

So many boxes!

What's in this one??

lovin on my granddaddy

Big B and Little B :)

snoozin' :)

stop unpackin for a Cheeto break  :)

New water table on our new deck :)

playin in my "new" swim suit from my cousins Aubrey and Neely :) THANKS!

readin books in my new room!

helpin mom put away clothes :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home to you ALL...fun for you to have a place of your own again. Can't wait to come and see it all unpacked. XOXO
