Thursday, April 26, 2012

5th degree virus?

Yesterday, I noticed a horrible rash on Blakely's arms and stomach while we were walking outside at Jordan Creek with Holls and Kypton. Of course, a thousands things ran through my mind of what the rash was... After an extremely long night of no sleep and Miss B tossing and turning plus screaming, I noticed the rash spread to her entire body, yes even her lower abdomen area. :(  

Upon waiting an hour at the doctor's, we were informed that she has a 5th degree virus and the rash is actually a good thing?? Who would have thought? and who knew there was something out there called a 5th degree virus? Needless to say, this whole ordeal of worrying, wondering, and yes, even a few tears from both B and myself (surprise, surprise ;)) reminded me that Blakely is a blessing/gift from the Lord and ultimately she is His and He has everything in control. :) She is doing just fine, she's actually sleeping as we speak, and I am so very thankful!

It's kind of weird not to have pics to share with everyone, but it doesn't mean things are any less crazy around here!  Blakely is practically standing all by herself; we're just waiting for the moment she takes her first steps! Her first birthday is next Friday and I am so very excited to celebrate with her! I'm also really excited to see what God has planned for our family in the year to come!

I just received all of the requirements for my two internships I am completing in the Fall and I must be honest, it's going to be ALOT. I'm starting to think it will only take a miracle from God for it to all go the way it's suppose to! I also received the syllabi for my summer courses and while I'm being honest, I think it's going to take another miracle for me to complete them in addition to moving to a new house and all of the weddings we have this summer. In all seriousness though, I wouldn't have things be any different! :)

I hope everyone's enjoying the gorgeous weather and having a wonderful week!

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