Friday, January 6, 2012

Out with the with the new :)

Blakely received so many awesome toys, clothes, etc this Christmas that yes, even though she is only 8 months old, we had to start a Goodwill box of some of her old things. One of the funniest gifts she received this year was a set of Baby Einstein movies...long story short, I saw this set at a garage sale this past summer and couldn't decide if I wanted to spend what the family was asking for the set. 

Of course, I waited too long in making a decision and when I went back to buy them they were gone. Karie and Gayle were with me and told me they saw this women buy them. I just couldn't let it go that I passed up the chance of buying these DVDs for Blakely especially when I knew how much she loves TV! (I must add we limit her television watching to 30 mins (or less) a day ;) ) Need less to say, when we opened B's gifts from Frama and Papa this Christmas, the beloved Baby Einstein set of DVDs were there! The family got a good laugh out of this story because they all knew Gayle had secretly gone back to the garage sale and bought them behind my back! So to show how much Blakes loves her DVDs and all she got for Christmas here are a few pics  :)

I don't really think I'm going to be smarter because I'm watching these silly puppets dance to Christmas music, but I sure do love watching it. :)

Mom, why are you over there? Come watch/play with me!
On a more serious note, we found out last night that my mom's cousin and his wife were in a terrible bicycle accident. They were hit by a truck driver who could not see them due to the sun. The wife is in intensive care while my mom's cousin passed away. We are praying for the Lord's healing and even though we do not understand why this has happened we know that the He has a plan. 

This story made the Amarillo, TX newspaper and even though I was extremely happy to see the comforting messages left for his family, I was also extremely disheartened when I read what some had to say. From comments saying, "it was their own fault" to blaming my cousins for not wearing protective gear when these individuals did not know the whole story because if they did then they would have known they were wearing helmets. I just don't understand why some people have to be so discouraging and in my opinion, down right mean...  Either way, if anyone thinks about it please lift up the family in your prayers. 

I will have to say that this time has reminded me how precious life is and hopefully we can all appreciate what God has done for us a little more. :) (Yes, I think I have kissed and hugged Blakely about a thousands times since we found out the news!) Much love to all!

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